Where is Indonesia?

Where is Indonesia? A question that makes me smile to hear it. If the question being asked when we were in school by the teacher or vice versa, it is reasonable. Or maybe when we’re out of Indonesia, that kind of a question is very reasonable. A question that makes me smile to hear it.

Where is Indonesia?
This incident makes me smile when I was being asked by a German tourist while I was in Tanah Lot, Bali. I was sitting alone waiting for my friend praying. By chance, the area is in one spot with the place for ablution, restroom and stall. I happened already combine the dzuhur and ashar prayer before. Sitting enjoying the taste of a Bali coffee, there were two female tourists approached me. One got into the restroom and the other one sat close to me. We got acquainted, she asked me where I came from. I said, “I’m from Malang-East Java-Indonesia”. The female German tourist then asked “Where is Indonesia??”. I haven’t had time to explain where Indonesia is, her friend came out of the restroom and they went away. I just smiled and replied with a smile too.

Indonesia is an archipelagic and republic country, located in Southeast Asia. Indonesia has about 17,000 islands with a land area of 1,922,570 km2 and broad waters of 3,257,483 km2. Based on its geographical position, Indonesia has boundaries: to North – Malaysia, Singapore, Philiphine, South Cina Sea. To the South – State of Australia, the Indian Ocean. To the West-The Indian Ocean. To the East-State of Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and Pacific Ocean.

Geographical position of Indonesia consist of astronomical and geographical location with different meanings and views.

Where is Indonesia, Astronomically?
Astronomic location of a country is a position based on latitude and longitude. Latitude is an imaginary line which circled the earth’s surface horizontally, whereas the longitude is an imaginary line connecting the North Pole and South Pole. Location of Indonesia astronomically is between 6o North Latitude – 11o South Latitude and 95o East Longitude – 141oEast Longitude. Based on its astronomic location, Indonesia is traversed by the equator line, namely the imaginary line on a map or globe which divides the earth into two equal parts. Equator or equator line lies on the latitude of 0o.

Where is Indonesia, Geographically?
Geographic situation is the location of an area or territory visible from the reality on the earth’s surface. Based on its geographic location, Indonesian archipelago is between the continent of Asia and Australia, and also between Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Thus, Indonesia is at a cross position, which has significance in relation to climate and economy.

Where is Indonesia, Geologically?
Geological position is the location of a territory viewed by the type of rocks on the earth’s surface. Geologically, Indonesian territory is traversed by two young world mountains, the Mediterranian to the West and the Pacific Sirkum Mountain to the East. The existence of these two pathways lead Indonesia to have many active volcanoes and earthquake-prone.

The location of Indonesia based on its geographic, geologic or otherwise make Indonesia rich with fascinating sights, such as Bali, Lombok, Yogyakarta, Batu-Malang, Bromo and many more.

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21 Komentar

nasib dah
mereka tau nya cuma bali
padahal bali di Indonesia.
sama kejadian batam dan Riau
Riau dimananya batam?
jiaaah padahal batam berada dalam propinsi riau (dahulu)


Bali lebih tenar di banding Indonesia.
Nice comment , Bro


Itulah Nin, mereka hanya tau Bali.
gimana kabarnya setelah meninggalkan Malang ?


It's different if you said Bali , Bali is very popular than Indonesia


that's true , but i'm smile only


perlu mengenalkan Indonesia secara luas lagi agar ga jadi salah kaprah bagi mereka yg belum tau


iya mas, ada temen o.l dari sebrang laut juga pernah inbox,
Indonesian country? where is it?

setelah dijawab pernah dengar tentang pulau bali, replynya tambah aneh:
saya sering dengar cerita tentang pulau bali from my friend, but belon pernah tahu tentang pulau indonesia :D
nice share mister, thanks :)


semoga ini di baca oleh orang bule bule itu, agar gak lucu lagi


yahhh itulah latar wingkingnya saya nulis mas, semoga bisa membuka wawasan mereka, walo bhs linggisnya hasil bantuan teman juga, makasih teman.


semoga saja suatu saat indonesia akan lbh dikenal lg..


I salute to putrie at a young age has a success by ur blogg.


saya masih di malang kok om kadang2


buset... orang jerman tu pasti pura2 gak tau dmana Indonesia.. hahaha
maunya tadi sempat dijelasin yaa sbelum mereka pergi... ahhh..


masih mulai buka bibir saya sop ehhh dia senyum terus pergi
,akasih atas kunjungannya
