Karangkates has three tourist Parks locations, namely:
1. Karangkates Park located in the North of the Dam Sutami
2. Raimuna refreshing Area located to the South of the Dam Sutami
3. Lahor Dam parks located in the South of the Dam Lahor
Tours Karangkates Park
Facilities in the area of 6 hectares Park Karangkates equipped facilities as follows:
1. mini zoo there are deer and a Peacock;
2. children's Toys
3. Canteen
4. Place the sale of souvenirs typical Poor area and surroundings
5. Mosque, bath, WC.
SPECIFIC dams in the Park can be used: Karangkates
1. paddle race Arena
2. Place fish fishing
3. Recreational Water
4. the Study Tour
For those who have a hobby of riding a bike, Park Tours can be made into Karangkates mountain bike arena.
Facilities in the area of 5 hectare Dam Park facility equipped Lahor as follows:
1. children's Toys
2. Place the sale of souvenirs typical Poor area and surroundings
SPECIFIC dams in Dam Park Lahor as:
1. a place to rest for a moment on the way as well as family recreation for groups
2. as the Study Tour;
3. Place fish fishing
4. water Recreation.
Location in residential area Karangkates Service:
Homeless amounted to 18 units
-Building meetings amounted to 3 units