Showing posts with label the new object tourisme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the new object tourisme. Show all posts

Segara Anakan Beach is Virgin Beaches in Malang

Malang is very famous for the beauty of its beaches are still beautiful and secure. Who does not know Balekambang Beach and Goa Cina Beach, the beach has become the second Prima Donna of the traveller who wants to take a vacation to the unfortunate. But if the goal of your vacation is to find the tranquility of course beaches like that of course is not suitable for you. In malang there is one beach that is highly recommended for the traveller who is looking for tranquility while enjoying the natural beauty of the picturesque and beautiful still haven't touched a lot of people. named The Segara Anakan Beach.

A variety of tourisme object beach at south regions of Malang

A variety of tourisme object beach at along Jalan Lintas Selatan the coast South of Malang, the beaches in the South region of Malang will began, after the construction of the Jalan Lintas Selatan. We can enjoy a very nice its view when we pass the Jalan Lintas Selatan in South region of Malang from either direction of the Subdistrict Donomulyo to East or vice versa.

The beaches are, Jongring Saloko beach, Ngliyep beach, Banthol beach, Kondang Iwak beach, Balekambang beach,Ngantep  beach, Ngudel beach, Batu Bekung beach, Bajol Mati beach, Goa China  beach , Tiga warna beach , Segara Anakan beach, Sendang biru  beach and others is Tamban beach

Photos of the beach in Jalan Lintas Selatan (The Cross Street South of Java Island)

Photos of the beach in Jalan Lintas Selatan (The Cross Street South of Java Island)
Jalan Lintas Selatan we call, this is the Cross Street South of the edge of the island of Java, Indonesia. Trails South (JLS) in East Java is designed connect Pacitan – Trenggalek, Tulungagung, –. Attached to a Hapless South Blitar – (in part already done done) – East of Malang. The plan will culminate in Banyuwangi. The total distance is approximately 600 kilometers.