Showing posts with label society Indonesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label society Indonesia. Show all posts

Embalming in West Toraja Regency of Indonesia

Embalming is a way that used to be dead or living creatures who've not animate do not rot. This way I know when you are in the hamlet of Barerreng in 1999. At that time there was a neighbor died , named Ne'tammubua ', when I visited the family home that I smell very sting. When I asked to my friend of named Katiandagho "smell is this?"
"Is the process of preserving bodies" he replied. On this occasion I while reminiscing about the area I told the previous experience I never experienced it. More than one I tell them is Baruppu' society, Unique culture cemetry.

embalming in toraja
Ma'nene procession ' at Toraja
Centuries earlier, when the practice of preserving bodies is done, nobody knows exactly why and when it starts. Obviously, before Christianity entered the Tana Toraja Regency the first time around 1913, the Toraja people embraced the faith or belief Todollo Aluk ' to ancestors and nature. At first the corpse-bodies that laid out in a rock cave, then put on a stone. The corpse was decay, even dry up.
Until a while preserving the bodies performed using potions, using leaf vinus, kerosene, stem plants resembling tille – sugar cane stalks but smaller and not eaten –, tea leaves, and salt. These materials together and then crushed and poured into the mouth of the corpse. The rest is smeared on the skin. Natural and helps preserving and drying the corpses properly.

Entering the 1990s, preserving bodies done simpler, i.e. injecting chemicals or better known as formalin. The result of dozens of bodies not durable when compared to their ancestors tens and hundreds of years ago. "Ways of injecting use chemicals called formalin is done to every millimeter surface of bodies", said Mr. katiandagho added the explanation to me.
After the process is completed, then the cadaver preservation stored at home, while waiting until ready for the grave stone to be placed or already prepared by the family of the deceased. To get the cost of a funeral procession which require tens of millions of corpses even billions of rupias, each Member of the family to wander in all directions in the territories or abroad.

Another corpse in Sicily, Rosalia Lombardo, a daughter of Sicily was two years old, who died in 1920, still looks fresh. Muminya known as "the Sleeping Beauty" is stored in a glass box in Palermo, Italy.
Herb what makes these mummies still looks fresh, became a secret for years. However, biological anthropologist from the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman named Dario Piombino-Mascali managed to uncover her inimitable blend of which are used to preserve the Rosalia.
He find out the materials used from the relatives and close people Alfredo Salafia, an expert maker of processed taksidermis or who died in 1933. Hand made note of Salafia revealed that he injects a chemical substances to the body in the form of Rosalia formalin, Zinc salt, alcohol, salicylic acid and glycerol.
Formaldehyde is an ingredient that is currently most commonly used to preserve corpses. A mixture of formaldehyde and water it kills all the bacteria causes decay the flesh. Salafia is one of the pioneers of the use of such chemicals to preserve the corpses.

While alcohol in a dry area will function maintains the corpse remains dry thus more Rosalia durable against changes in temperature and humidity. Glycerol as the oil will prevent her body too dry and salicylic acid to prevent the growth of fungus.
However, the primary key is embalming Zinc salt. According to Melissa Johnsons Williams, Executive Director of the American Society of Embalmers, zinc is not used in the process of preservation in the us. With zinc bodies become stiff, if lifted from the crate and let it stand, bodies will be able to stand ... heheh

Ma’Gellu’ Dance as an expression of Gratitude After the Harvest

One more thing that makes me love Indonesia is a dance that very often I see when I was in Tana Toraja. Beautiful dance dazzling as the faces of the women who perform the dance.......

Ma’Gellu’ Dance
Ma’Gellu’ Dance performent
Ma’Gellu performed when the harvest is over. 80% of the people in Toraja society in ancient times lives from farming because Tana Toraja geographically is mountainous and easy watering as general area of Indonesia is agricultural. Relating to agriculture in Indonesia is creating diverse culture, interesting to visit.

At night when the moon is in half some people pounding rice in a mortar (Mortar is the name of a tool made of wood that sunken in the middle) and to the accompaniment of the sound of mortar, women come to dance, as a sign of gratitude to the Almighty over the success of the harvest. Ma’Gellu’ describes the farmers harvest the rice by using ani-ani (ani-ani is a tool for cutting rice stalks), which is generally done by women and girls in the village. The harvest activity takes days even weeks, so it is quite tiring, but do not feel tired because they do it with passion, familiar and cheerful.

The Ma’gellu dance was originally developed in the District of Pangalla’ about 45 km to the East of Rantepao city, the capital city of North Toraja Regency. Pangalla’ is the capital city of Rindingallo District where we can find the monument of the local hero, Pong Tiku, who dared to oppose the Dutch government determined to build a stone castle in the Benteng Batu village of  Baruppu’ District.
Ma’Gellu dance is usually performed at the ceremony of Ma’Bua’. Ma’Bua’ is a special ritual ceremony related to the traditional Toraja house (Tongkonan), or a resident family has been performing the big ceremony of Rambu Solo’ (RAPASAAN SAPU RANDANAN). Recently Ma’gellu dance is also performed at the wedding ceremony, thanksgiving harvest, honor and reception events.

Ma’Gellu dance is performed by young women with an odd number and accompanied by a drum rhythm played by four young men. Clothing and accessories that are used specifically for dancers with jewelry made of gold and silver as : Gold Keris/ Sarapang Bulawan, Kandaure, Sa’pi’ Ulu’, Tali Tarrung, Bulu Bawan, Rara’, Mastura, Manikkata, Oran-oran, Lola’ Pali’ Gaapong, Komba Boko’ and others.

If you visit one of the 10 attractions of Indonesia, you can enjoy the dance of Ma’Gellu in the origin of Tana Toraja region, one of the region as a cause I love Indonesia.

image sources :

The school will die converted into free-cost school

Free school plans will be implemented in all the metropolitans began ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, JUNIOR HIGH and high school. If previously existing 60 junior high school has prepared free of charge, Office of education and culture of the city of Malang also has begun to map out free at the level of ELEMENTARY school and high school. At the HIGH SCHOOL level, for example Disdik offers this free educational program on private HIGH SCHOOL especially the almost collapse.
'' To help the school's little we offer to help and serve free education BUDGETS, '' says the head of the Office of education (Disdik) the city of Malang, Dra Sri Wahyuningtyas M Si to Malang Post.
Yuyun asserts, to SMA negeri is indeed not yet considering the needs of the community is free who demand more services. In addition the school budget put up for this free also haven't been able to mencover all the needs of the school. From the allocation of approximately USD 10 billion in support of free schools program, it is possible can only reach about 60 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 63 ELEMENTARY schools HIGH SCHOOL for there is still no certainty of the amount.
'' The number of free schools is still possible for budget increases were discussed, '' he said.
A free service that will be applied in a number of these schools are believed to include a free service, free school uniform TUITION FEE, and no investment new students.
Yuyun calls remain asserted for schools that exist in the suburbs, not the needs of the investment funds are crucial. Because it is very likely could have organized a free education. Moreover, students are also not demanding more services. Usually they are simply in order that his target was able to read and write only.
'' I've had many discussions with parents, with the school and the community what they need. So we've got a decent map of the school which is free, '' he said.
Yuyun asserted despite the school still be attractive but he hoped the school with excellent transparency. Ideally use funds reported transparently if need be affixed on the outside so that schools can be accessed easily by the public.
'' If the communication with their parents well will not issue a Rp 5 million heavy though, don't rush to withdraw funds to a community, '' he asserted.
Head master of SMP 24 Malang, Nur Faqih told his school prepared if chosen as the school for free. But local governments certainly should be a commitment to the help given to the school.
'' Don't get too late and we hope it is of magnitude than u.s. assistance can also cover the needs of the school, '' he said.
Ideally the word Faqih assistance given to the school is calculated in accordance with the minimum requirements. Based on the calculation of operating costs per student per month amounted to Ro 125 thousand people. It also needs to be thought the cost of maintenance and development of school facilities from government assistance because there was no traction to be excavated from the community.
source of: Malang post.

Gamelan is The Original Classical Music

Gamelan is the original classical music from Indonesia that is was created from the combination of gong, kenong and other Javanese music instruments. The rhythm of the music is soft and reflects the harmony of Javanese life will soon greet and calm the soul so heard.

Gamelan is clearly no longer a foreign music. Its popularity has penetrated the various continents and has spawned a new music jazz-gamelan, gave birth to the institution as a learning space and gamelan music expression, to produce famous gamelan musicians. Gamelan music can be enjoyed in various parts of the world, but Yogyakarta is the right place to enjoy the city's gamelan because you can enjoy the original version.

Gamelan in Yogyakarta is Javanese Gamelan, a form of gamelan that is different from Balinese Gamelan or Sundanese Gamelan. Javanese Gamelan has softer tone and slow, it is different from Balinese Gamelan that is melodious with domination and Sundanese Gamelan that is very lilting and dominated the sound of a pipe. The difference is reasonable, since Java has its own view of life that is expressed in its gamelan music rhythms.

Socialization of draft legislation Governing the Social Security Agency

Local newspapers: the team of eight Ministry started doing socialization of draft legislation Governing the Social Security Agency (BPJS BILL) to various regions in Indonesia.

"Socializing was done to explain as well as accommodate opinions, criticisms and suggestions from the community regarding the BILL BPJS which is still under discussion between the Government and the REPRESENTATIVES of INDONESIA," said Director General Industrial Relations Training and social security of labour (PHI and Jamsos) of the Ministry of manpower and transmigration, Myra M Hanartani in Jakarta, Friday.

In the early stages of socialization that will be executed each Ministry between 10-15 August in each province.

Execution of socialization BPJS were will be performed in eight provinces, namely West Java, Central Java, East Java, East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, Banten and Jakarta.

"Socialization BPJS were performed simultaneously by this Government will involve elements of Tripatit consisting of the Organisations of employers, trade unions/labour, NGOs and experts or community leaders," says Myra.

Eight ministries which promotes BILL BPJS i.e.

Kemenakertrans, Ministry of finance, Ministry of health, Bappenas, Ministry of State-OWNED ENTERPRISES, the social Ministry, the Ministry Of State apparatus and the reform of the bureaucracy, as well as the Ministry of law and HUMAN RIGHTS.

"Until now the Government and PARLIAMENT does not yet reach the agreed in discussion of the Social Security Agency BILL Organizer (BPJS). It is considering there are some things that haven't gotten approval sensitive together, "says Myra.

He expressed the necessary prudence in the deliberations of the BILL the next BPJS, including PT smelting plan stage issue Scheme, PT ASABRI, PT TASPEN and PT ASKES, as well as the contribution mechanism in the retention of our BPJS.

Baruppu ' Society

 I once lived in the area is very beautiful and cool with a culture that is famous '' Rambu Solo’, Rambu  Tuka ' and ' Ma ' Nene. There is also a Community Unity ' Baruppu' which was named  PKB/Persatuan Keluarga Baruppu'.

Baruppu is the name of the grass (ruppu '-ruppu ') are used as medicinal plants and ancient society according to the story there was a shepherd who kerbaunya pain and take ruppu '-ruppu ' to treat kerbaunya and finally cured, so the becomes a town currently named Baruppu, the capital of the Subdistrict kecamatannya located in Barereng. District of Baruppu in the form of a Regulation based on The number 5 in 2005.

The Total Area
Baruppu district is located in Barereng which has an area of 145,18 Km2 with Geographic Coordinates are at 02o 51 ' 9 "S and 119o 46 ' 50" E
Borders to the North borders on Province Mamuju & town North Luwu, South of abut district  Awan Rantekarua, to the East bordered district Buntu Pepasan & Rindingallo, the West borders town Tana Toraja & Province Mamuju.

Baruppu the State of his subdistrict consists of Plains and mountains has a range of 50 Km from the capital District to the capital.

  1.  Plantations (Coffee, Arabica Coffee Robusta)
  2. Cultivation Of Sweet Taro
  3. Cultivation of Tamarillo and passion fruit
  4. The cultivation of potatoes and Lentils
  5. Agriculture (Padi)
  6. Forest products (Timber and rattan)
  7. Fattening The Buffalo
  8. Tourism: Liang Stones, Traditional House Tongkonan, Cultural Tours
  9. Cultivation Of Carp
    Sub Barppu ' consists of 4 villages namely:
  1. Subdistricts Of South Baruppu '
  2. Lembang Baruppu ' Benteng Batu
  3. Lembang Baruppu ' North Of
  4. Lembang Baruppu ' Parodo
Baruppu ' like Tana Toraja in South Sulawesi, with a chain of natural as well as the ritual of adatnya which has unique. The best known, of course, a party Rambu a Solo race held near the cemetery of the honoured. It's just Baruppu ' not so well known unlike the Tana Toraja Regency, while Baruppu ' is part of the Toraja.

1. Rambu Solo’ '
Like other indigenous Toraja in Baruppu ' case also is known for its tradition of ritual refinement of death often called Rambu Solo’ '. I call this ceremony completes the death, because someone who passed away recently would be considered really has died after a whole procession in this completes ceremony. Before filled prosesition, who died only considered being "sick" or "weak", so that his body was still laid out on her bed and her always food & drink served, areca or betel, cigarettes were still even though is certainly not dialogue will vote. Anyway still treated like a person who is not dead yet.

More than that, the Rambu solo ' is the ceremonial supply and offerings to the deceased to step into the realm of the spirit, back to eternity with its ancestors through a villa called the PUYA. Provision and complementary way to immortality is not limited to animals slaughtered victims at a ceremony only, but also on the property in the form of clothing, jewelry, and money is to be conducted along the remains of people who is the deat to the necropolis. To the ancestors who have family the deat much earlier, it can also be as offering sacrifices through relatives who are ceremonialed. In each of the ceremony's loyalty and love of each toraja to its parent, in the life and death.

Torajans believe that after death, the deceased person would travel to PUYA. Puya's own is the name of a village in the southern area of tana toraja. That's where the world where the spirits are, which is then at a later time will be transformed back into a notch deity dwells in the heavens, where human beings were created for the first time. Toraja call to mebali puang.
Back on Rambu Solo’ ' as Yepp refinement of death, all offerings brought on by a meniggal will decide also to the status of the Puya. No provision is appropriate, such a person will not be accepted as feasible when arrive at Puya.

2. Rambu Tuka'
Ceremony Rambu Tuka ' is a show with berhungan ngadain e.g. weddings, harvest home Thanksgiving and the inauguration of the new customs/tongkonan, or renovations; bring all family Grove, from the show make  the bond family in Baruppu ' Tana Toraja is powerful all the ceremony known as Ma'Bua ', Meroek, or Mangrara Banoa' Sura '.

Ceremonies Rambu Tuka ' followed by a dance: Pa ' Pa ' Boneballa, Gellu, Gellu Tungga ', Ondo Samalele, Pa'Dao, Pa'Burake, Memanna, Pa'Tirra, ' Maluya, Panimbong and others. For the art of music namely Pa'pompang, pa'Barrung, Pa'pelle '. Music and dance performed at Rambu Solo’ ' should not be featured on (taboo) Rambu Tuka ceremony '.

3. Ma ' Nene '
In addition to Rambu Solo’, actually there is one indigenous rituals and rare in Toraja, namely Ma ' Nene ', i.e. ritual of cleaning and replacing the relics of the ancestral fashion. This Ritual is only known to the public Baruppu in Toraja inland North.
Typically, Ma ' Nene ' race held each August. When Ma ' Nene ', wagons dead ancestors, and the elderly, excluded from the tombs and stone liang and put in the arena of the ceremony.
There, relatives and his relatives had gathered. Gradually, they brought out the bodies (either intact or living human remains) and replace the clothing that is inherent in the body of the corpses with a new one.They treat the body as if it were alive and remained part of the extended family.

People Baruppu ' many who wandered, so living in this area are mostly elderly and children, while the productive age to wander into other areas like to Malaysia, New Guinea, Borneo, Java, Makassar and so on. To deepen family of Baruppu ' in 1979 to form a bond named PKB/unity of the family Baruppu. The event was last held in PKB August 2011 in the field of sports Barerreng.

Marten Encenk Ponglugo Tungga (UNHAS Students) say "according to history, PKB  Meeting, Baruppu Family was held with the aim to utter gratitude may Dr. Protégé . baruppu can succeed,.,.but scholars made ironic by . baruppu not matter.will ward the proof, the way to baruppu for the present paved cobblestone., ...What is the end result of prayer and Thanksgiving for this community in PKB (1 x), so the point Baruppu require a caring figure will be Baruppu., but who is it????,.,. answers on all of us.,. ".

Lola Tandyarang said "it is important ... As long as it can be built and still preserve the culture of, especially Artistry (Tari2an Lah ..- dancers from Baruppu'.) It can Attract Foreign tourists And local to better know our culture, Especially Baruppu!a lot of things we can show such a Ritual ma'nene certainly grave, grave-Stones which are not less interesting By Londa or others, because all this Baruppu ' unknown by foreign tourists. When Baruppu not less Beautiful dibading other areas in the Toraja. Agree what does not? So by the presence of PKB can bring much Benefit to the community Baruppu also if We can Tetep Develop Cultural values For causes is mostly his Sport ... Place Laen Kan is also a lot of Sport so tourists are unlikely to come to see Barrupu cos see SANGRapu (football in Torajans language) (hehehe just kidding) And one more in The Exciting Event Programs Make fun-dong ... so The Home village of no loss Arrived ... hehehe .... "

John Luk Chun Shiong replied "sokong (support) hehe. Actually, a lot of potential that exists in the baruppu ' to make it as the focus on the traveler ... just, as long as it is less exposed (known) by the outside world. with events like this our chances of that’s. as the first .. "

Adapted from various sources.

The Hill Remains in Mining Area

 Natural phenomena Indonesia
There are at least three places ever see related phenomena in the picture on the side. The remaining hills in the area of the phenomena of mining. All three are on the karst. Two phenomena in the former mining Limenstone in district Pagak and in district Kalipare. Being the third one, as shown in the figure on the side, found at the site of mining piropilit which is currently still actively exploited in Sumbermanjing. All three were in the stands foursquare like the thumb who raised up to the peak of overgrown by vegetation.

"I Love Indonesia" only suspect that the rest of it occurred because the constituent rocks that form the rest of it has a high level of violence. Mine workers were leaving for granted because it remains Hill steel equipment they use unable tore and destroyed the Hill. Even according to the word that, for the rest of the Subdistrict's remains solid despite Pagak around it were demolished using dynamite. Hence how the rock hardness according to Moh scale? What minerals that make up the rocks?

As we know together that to declare the hardness minerals, experts often use the Moh scale is expressed with numbers from 1 to 10. One example, a scale of 1 to 2, the scale of mineral talk to gypsum, calcite scales, scale 3 to 4 to scale, the scale of 5 to fluorit apatit, ortoklas, scale 6 to 7 scale for quartz, the scale of 8 to 9 scale, topas for corundum, and scale of 10 for diamonds (Understanding Earth in Adi Susilo, 2010). Take only the next mineral Quartz.

This new Mineral quartz can be divided when using steel-fisted. So what's the rest of the Hill many contain quartz? Could be, because in the piropilit quarry in the vicinity that piropilit itself also contains Quartz. Piropilit and quartz are both in a group of silicate minerals. Nevertheless not closed presumably Hill rest contains corundum, considering there is corundum can also happen in the process of metamorphosis in batugamping. What's piropilit has a similar color with corundum. Color of corundum is gray, blue, pink, red, yellow, green, and violet (red-violet), or black.

Even in its site,, Roger Weller also describe the sample images that are brown corundum, in addition to pink. So the violence there in the hills of the minerals that it remains in the scale of 9? Then the next question is, why if it's not all alleged corundum taken? What they don't know? Or what because it is not economical? That's a series of questions that might be able to gain many more questions can be asked. Practically it should take some of the remains were then tested in the laboratory of physical and chemical carefully.

The result is definitely known, mineral-what is contained in the rest of it and obtained the conclusion that the mineral sebab-musababnya was abandoned just asthe rest of the Hill.

The main needs of society Indonesia

Ten things staple

Metro TV in cooperation with the Demographic Institute at the University of Indonesia (UI) conducted a survey to determine the 10 needs of the people of Indonesia at this time. The survey results are shown on the show "Metro 10" on Sunday night, 4-4-2010 is:

1. Rice
2. Delicatessen
3. Vegetables, nuts, and fruits.
4. Home
5. Fuel
6. Fish, meat, and milk.
7. Tobacco
8. Beverages, seasonings (for cooking), and crackers.
9. Automotive products (car)
10. Education

It turned out that education was ranked last out of 10 Indonesian society needs tersebet. According to one expert said that it proved to education in Indonesia is considered less important. Then add the number of board members with low education. Communities are not willing to make education as its criterion. 

According to these survey results revealed that the low level of education is because there are still many poor people in Indonesia. Metro TV said that according to Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), Indonesia's current population of 320 million soul. Thirty percent are poor.

Other survey results, other results of my observations. According to my observations, there is a tendency in society to compete to have a degree, even overlapping. Maybe if surveyed what the public needs ranked 11th huh? 

Especially with the lure of short educational university time can be arranged. S1 college can be less than four years. Lecture S2 has one year to master's degrees, etc.. Quality and consequence of such title are ignored. Apparently the title is also a need to acquire instant status and prestige.

Note The Life

"Sometimes life be a disappointment, because of the hopes and dreams are up on the fact ..."
Yes, as some time ago, Tammy completely unable to find the men. Experience of fatigue and hunger until the Sun nearly sets. But, at least it could remove him from life tired due to the conflict and the State of his mother's father. 

Instead he met life taught her many things, also got a lot of inspiration to complete his notes.

"I'm sorry Ma'am, to my absence the km days ago ..."
"Never mind, no nothing. Oh yeah, last night Uncle Samuel call "
"Whether to talk about my writing? Oh yes, I haven't had a chance to tell the mother that ... "
"You go to the Publisher for writing right?"
"Yes, and…"

"And unfortunately writing not yet published. Be patient girl, may not have been to this point. Do not be disappointed, the mother is proud of yourselves. Hopefully someday you're being an author is notable, not just want to express mere protests over the State of your mother's father. The mother has not been able to do much. "
"Yes Ma'am, life has taught me to accept anything that has been outlined by God and always appreciate all the matter in fact, despite the bitter though. Life always taught me that I can find peace in every anxiety "

Instantly, the mother immediately embraced Tammy and unable to stem her crying. Haru, proud, happy sad, and disappointed in himself. Itself is not an exaggeration to say selfish, think of the issue itself and laid waste to several issues of his daughter. 

"I'm sorry mom son. Mother never ignored the loneliness and kegelisahanmu. The mother will try to understand perasaanmu, trying to be nice, also on your father, even though it's not going to change our whole life ".

From outside the motor stopped sounding voice, pak mail.
"Mother no longer prohibit father here to meet me right?"
Mother shook his head.
"Mother also does not prohibit the father to menelponku right?"
Mother shook his head.
"Then, why post deliver the mail Pack for me?
Being the last to send mail to me is the father. Lest the father so moved the work to Nigeria ". Tammy silent briefly.
"Why? The mother was afraid dad go ya? "
"Ah, no. Mediocrity. If you go Yes let me go "
"But, mother seem not willing so"
"Huh? So, mothers do not willingly dad go? The mother still loves ya Daddy? "
"Who said. Never mind the sooner you go, could have had a letter from someone else. "

For a small child

Life is a journey the length of a little boy to manhood.
(the first had hopes come true)
Although people never knew his maturity level, someone started to call the little boy as an adult.
He actually lived in his life, even he is living in one's life.
Come to the Publisher, the place you intend to publish ' your life '
(hope both?)

A man

Tammy and her mother were held. His mother slowly nodded, "go girl. And your dad is not going to Nigeria ". "Mother can't conceal the relief", reply to Tammy with a smile. "And you couldn't hide his anxiety. Fast go, life will be mengajarimu a lot of things. Everything will be fine. " Tammy heaved a long breath, steadying his mind then steadily stepped away to leave his mother.

"Sabrina". "Tammy". They are acquainted with the hospitality of each. "Sorry, your writing is not yet published for now. Yes, at least in the form of books, today already completed is printed and you can see. For the cost is set up a pack of Samuel, he was also a story about your life, "said a woman short-haired and well-dressed, the age of about 23 years old, his face serious. 

Tammy just nod and smile. "Oh yes, related to the letter you received it, is to meet with me. So, I was saying just a friend of the man who ever meet in the park some time ago. Remember? ", Asked the woman then greeted a little strained by nod Tammy. "Okay, short stories and without further ADO, I asked for help to offer an apartment on your" short and clear, he said.. Yet missing the tension experienced by Tammy, thus increasing the shock, she simply speechless. 

Sabrina smile, "chill out, here's what I mean. Are you willing to accept and manage an apartment. Yes, it is not sespektakuler as you would expect. But at least you can be the owner of the apartment. "Ha??? The correct course. Don't mess with me. I indeed never imagining it to be the owner of the apartment, but neither should you underestimate the seeming sneering and imaginary ", 

Tammy little offended sahut. Sabrina silent for a moment and said gently, "this is real, I am not lying. How do I ..., oh yes, this is no files and letters. You can see. " Then Tammy started seeing files shown by Sabrina.

"I know this is real and not engineering. But, not as easy as it is right? There must be something behind all this. "
"Why do you not believe? You remember the contents of the letter, about the expectations of both the right? "
"Yes, but it ...."
"Well, quite frankly. The man who once you meet it is the sole owner of the apartment's heir. 

His parents died of accidents since 3 years ago. He was a student at a University in Australia. His studies a bit disturbed because he had to manage apartments that, while he does not trust anyone to manage it. And obviously he's so appreciate your wish that you would like to be the owner of the apartment. In addition he was already seeing how your efforts about the book you write, even though it has not yet been published. He's already read them all. "

"Do I have to accept it?"
"Why close the possibilities? Indeed sometimes something big that came unexpectedly. And sometimes we are not ready to face with a thing that never quits, even it is the hope of our own. One thing, this offer is only valid for 3 days, I never forced any and never regret your decision. This is already in sight. Good afternoon ", Sabrina leaves Tammy that sitting limp. His mind messed up. Her dilemma.

Tammy middle of discussing with the parents. His father and mother are in a time of emotional, so that the issue of anti can be focused. Tammy tell me everything from meet the man, meet Uncle Samuel for his book and about the apartment offered him.
"But this is very interesting"
"Is there any other mean?"
"They are the rich, remember! Just 3 days "

"Let us together, according to an agreement about the apartment was then I will accept it. MOM and dad will help me in its management. We will work together, if there is a risk it will be our responsibility and if there is happiness then will we enjoy together. And apartments on behalf of Tammy Melanie. "
Three days later Sabrina met Tammy at his home. His father and mother joined the meeting. Tammy signed the surrender of the apartment, also received a certificate and other documents. 

Then they shake hands. "You don't have to worry about. This is not a fraud, but rather the reverence of a hope. Oh yes, this letter to You. Thank you, I excuse me ", with due respect Sabrina farewell after handing a letter beramplop white to Tammy.

For a small child that go up

Life is a miracle of hope into reality.
Life was a surprise top things limited to delusion and suddenly looks at the views.
(hope the first and second has become a reality, despite the fact that not as perfect as hope)
About how a person knowing a name and a place wherein
about how someone is trying to realize our hope,
and about respect for others who didn't get to you know,
are you alone is the reason-that reason.

You are a flame of passion in one's soul.

Sorry I haven't been able to become or find a pilot for the aircraft of your life.
Because you yourself will later find it.

If you want to know,
now I'm in Australia continue to learn.

Survivors fight for your life

A man

"Then I'll never get to meet again with him, knowing the name or place of residence. But I'd love to say sorry and thanks to him. "

"Father, mother right now I'm happy. But, I still keep one's hope anymore.
I hope you guys want to be happy with me, I hope we can be happy together again. If MOM and dad are willing? ", Tammy eye rays which really begs sincerely greeted the nod by both parents. They embraced accompanied girl happiness.

Life is reality happy berseling grief.

Never afraid to hope in life.
Hope it does not mean dead.
Thus, the hope is the steps of life itself.