The mystical story of Mount Lawu, Indonesia

Mountain in Indonesia mostly have a mystical story in it, including at Mount Lawu The beauty of the forest in the region of Mount Lawu now began to disappear.

His charm faded in the match report: Storm fire forest fires that continue to happen until some time in the adjacent time. Until the fire of Mount Lawu take its toll the death of seven climbers on a few days ago. Now mount Lawu, climbing lane closed for periods of time that have yet to be determined. The entrance to the ascent of the Lawu there are several locations. Like Cemoro Sewu (Magetan), and Jogorogo (Paths) in East Java.

Whereas from Central Java through the line and Enclosure Cemoro Cetho Temple. Hiking paths Lawu via Cemoro Cage often widened the goals of the climbers because its not too heavy and many signs the signposts with the mileage the faster around 8-9 hours for normal conditions (for those who are accustomed to riding Mountain). But for beginners it might take more than that distance. While the climbers through the Cetho Temple most is spiritual climbers (climbers who conducted rituals/meditation) usually frequently traversing Cetho.

 Joko Sunarto or Mr. Po explained, most climbers take indeed spiritual Temple. Because the Java community believe that the entrance of Mount Lawu direction ahead of him is from the top of the temple. "The allusion of a House, the main entrance (living room) exist in the Cetho. While Sewu and Cemoro Cemoro Enclosure is the back door and side door, "he said when met at his home in Legal Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar, Central Java recently. Spiritual climbers prefer passing over the line despite the distance might much longer compared to other entrances. While the ordinary climbers rarely pass those lines because of lack of signs pointing the way and mileage. Suradi one villagers around Cetho Temple also mention if you want to ride past this line (cetho) will pass through a location still in mystical.

The others Temple, Kethek Temple, which is also her over it. Later climbers would enter territory in believe local people as supernatural beings Royal entrance which is manifested in two large evergreen bohon rods side by side like a gate. "Later after passing the post four will pass two sufficiently large evergreen tree known as Cemoro twins. It is said that's where the layout of entrances. Moreover, its location near the market with Satan, who is on the slopes of the Lawu, "he explained further. But unfortunately for a time forbidden society rises to the top. Because of conditions at the top can not be dipredikasi. The fire could have appeared suddenly, mysteriously. Same is the case with mount Lawu which is always in selimuti fog of mystery in every corner

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