Embalming is a way that used to be dead or living creatures who've not animate do not rot. This way I know when you are in the hamlet of Barerreng in 1999. At that time there was a neighbor died , named Ne'tammubua ', when I visited the family home that I smell very sting. When I asked to my friend of named Katiandagho "smell is this?"
"Is the process of preserving bodies" he replied. On this occasion I while reminiscing about the area I told the previous experience I never experienced it. More than one I tell them is Baruppu' society, Unique culture cemetry.
Centuries earlier, when the practice of preserving bodies is done, nobody knows exactly why and when it starts. Obviously, before Christianity entered the Tana Toraja Regency the first time around 1913, the Toraja people embraced the faith or belief Todollo Aluk ' to ancestors and nature. At first the corpse-bodies that laid out in a rock cave, then put on a stone. The corpse was decay, even dry up.
Until a while preserving the bodies performed using potions, using leaf vinus, kerosene, stem plants resembling tille – sugar cane stalks but smaller and not eaten –, tea leaves, and salt. These materials together and then crushed and poured into the mouth of the corpse. The rest is smeared on the skin. Natural and helps preserving and drying the corpses properly.
Entering the 1990s, preserving bodies done simpler, i.e. injecting chemicals or better known as formalin. The result of dozens of bodies not durable when compared to their ancestors tens and hundreds of years ago. "Ways of injecting use chemicals called formalin is done to every millimeter surface of bodies", said Mr. katiandagho added the explanation to me.
After the process is completed, then the cadaver preservation stored at home, while waiting until ready for the grave stone to be placed or already prepared by the family of the deceased. To get the cost of a funeral procession which require tens of millions of corpses even billions of rupias, each Member of the family to wander in all directions in the territories or abroad.
Another corpse in Sicily, Rosalia Lombardo, a daughter of Sicily was two years old, who died in 1920, still looks fresh. Muminya known as "the Sleeping Beauty" is stored in a glass box in Palermo, Italy.
Herb what makes these mummies still looks fresh, became a secret for years. However, biological anthropologist from the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman named Dario Piombino-Mascali managed to uncover her inimitable blend of which are used to preserve the Rosalia.
He find out the materials used from the relatives and close people Alfredo Salafia, an expert maker of processed taksidermis or who died in 1933. Hand made note of Salafia revealed that he injects a chemical substances to the body in the form of Rosalia formalin, Zinc salt, alcohol, salicylic acid and glycerol.
Formaldehyde is an ingredient that is currently most commonly used to preserve corpses. A mixture of formaldehyde and water it kills all the bacteria causes decay the flesh. Salafia is one of the pioneers of the use of such chemicals to preserve the corpses.
While alcohol in a dry area will function maintains the corpse remains dry thus more Rosalia durable against changes in temperature and humidity. Glycerol as the oil will prevent her body too dry and salicylic acid to prevent the growth of fungus.
However, the primary key is embalming Zinc salt. According to Melissa Johnsons Williams, Executive Director of the American Society of Embalmers, zinc is not used in the process of preservation in the us. With zinc bodies become stiff, if lifted from the crate and let it stand, bodies will be able to stand ... heheh
"Is the process of preserving bodies" he replied. On this occasion I while reminiscing about the area I told the previous experience I never experienced it. More than one I tell them is Baruppu' society, Unique culture cemetry.
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Ma'nene procession ' at Toraja |
Until a while preserving the bodies performed using potions, using leaf vinus, kerosene, stem plants resembling tille – sugar cane stalks but smaller and not eaten –, tea leaves, and salt. These materials together and then crushed and poured into the mouth of the corpse. The rest is smeared on the skin. Natural and helps preserving and drying the corpses properly.
Entering the 1990s, preserving bodies done simpler, i.e. injecting chemicals or better known as formalin. The result of dozens of bodies not durable when compared to their ancestors tens and hundreds of years ago. "Ways of injecting use chemicals called formalin is done to every millimeter surface of bodies", said Mr. katiandagho added the explanation to me.
After the process is completed, then the cadaver preservation stored at home, while waiting until ready for the grave stone to be placed or already prepared by the family of the deceased. To get the cost of a funeral procession which require tens of millions of corpses even billions of rupias, each Member of the family to wander in all directions in the territories or abroad.
Another corpse in Sicily, Rosalia Lombardo, a daughter of Sicily was two years old, who died in 1920, still looks fresh. Muminya known as "the Sleeping Beauty" is stored in a glass box in Palermo, Italy.
Herb what makes these mummies still looks fresh, became a secret for years. However, biological anthropologist from the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman named Dario Piombino-Mascali managed to uncover her inimitable blend of which are used to preserve the Rosalia.
He find out the materials used from the relatives and close people Alfredo Salafia, an expert maker of processed taksidermis or who died in 1933. Hand made note of Salafia revealed that he injects a chemical substances to the body in the form of Rosalia formalin, Zinc salt, alcohol, salicylic acid and glycerol.
Formaldehyde is an ingredient that is currently most commonly used to preserve corpses. A mixture of formaldehyde and water it kills all the bacteria causes decay the flesh. Salafia is one of the pioneers of the use of such chemicals to preserve the corpses.
While alcohol in a dry area will function maintains the corpse remains dry thus more Rosalia durable against changes in temperature and humidity. Glycerol as the oil will prevent her body too dry and salicylic acid to prevent the growth of fungus.
However, the primary key is embalming Zinc salt. According to Melissa Johnsons Williams, Executive Director of the American Society of Embalmers, zinc is not used in the process of preservation in the us. With zinc bodies become stiff, if lifted from the crate and let it stand, bodies will be able to stand ... heheh
Welcome to tourist information and more on the uniqueness of Indonesia.
59 Komentar
wow, that a real body dead people?
BalasTerima kasih atas partisipasinya di Kisahku, tetapi mohon maaf belum bisa saya catat sebagai pesrta karena ada ketentuan artikel harus berbahasa Indonesia
BalasMohon diperbaiki dulu ya.
very unique tradition, ternyata tidak cuman ada di mesir,
Balasgreat share mister, thanks :)
ohh harus bebrbahasa indonesia ya
Balasgak apa2lah.
wokey wokey Kang, nice comment
Balasjust information about something, here
Balasthanks for ur visit.
kunjungan sore sob, sekaligus follow back, tapi kebetulan saya melihat ada link yg terinfeksi virus yg berasal dari www.newcounter.net/addons/icounter/counter.php?s=90114602b3 mungkin bisa di tanggulangi, terima kasih :D
Balasmungkin bisa berupa banner atau yg lainnya sob, mungkin juga link dari teman blogger lainnya, saya sering menemukan link ini terindek sebagai virus, :D
Balasoiya, saya agak kesusahan membaca postingan dan mengisi kotak komentar, karena terhalagi oleh gadget di samping kiri, mungkin bisa di mengerti, maaf lho kl saya bawel :D
ok makasih koreksinya, kan ku cari biangnya
Balassaya sangat berterimakasih sekali atas infonya, kadang tamplan di mainanku bisa beda dengan saat tampil di tempat lain, klo saya geser lebih ke kiri gimana ?
BalasMampis sob, sori oot, hbisnya gak ngerti bhs inggris :)
Balasok, thz kunjungannya
Balasuntuk virusnya sudah hilang sob, sudah tidak muncul lagi, selamat ya :D
Balastapi tetap saya kesusahan membaca artikel terutama untuk abagian paling kiri, mungkin gadget nya saja yg di pindahkan ke kanan, selain itu, menghalangi kode verivikasi, itu yg terlihat dari jendela saya, maaf lagi .. :D
ok sob, maksih atas teropongannya, saya sangat terbantu.
Balasjust found this in Indonesia while as known as Egypt's preserving body style. Could this be one of the way to perform Unique Indonesian tradition abroad..Informative post and happy blogging
Balasthanks bro, nice comment
Balasgile blognya bule semua...
Balassalam knal brow thanks dah muampir di gubuku
seram lihat mayat tidak dikubur seperti biasa ><"
Balasmummy oh mummy.... kalo menurut Islam sih, supaya hancur dengan tanah
Balaswah, pake chaptcha
yahhh salam hangatlah bro. moga saya jadi tmn yg baik utkmu
Balasklo sudah terbiasa gak juga kok
Balasiya deh mbak chaptcha ku hapus, selamat datang
Balaswah kurus sampai tinggal tulang, kasihan sangat
Balasaku pikir cuma papua aja pak yang bikin mumi
Balastoraja juga toh
oh ya pakkk
blog indonesianya yang dulu mana? adsense kan sekarang udah dukung bahasa indonesia juga ayo daftarin juga blog indonesianya :D
itu orang yg sudah lama mati mbak, isi perutpun gak ada. makasih kunjungannya
Balasiya Nin, mumi toraja bahkan di era tahun 80an banyak yg hilang.
BalasBlog Indonesia dulu pernah saya daftarin tapi di tolak. apa bisa di daftarin.
terus kan sudah ada akun saya di adsence, apa boleh punya lebih dari 1 akun.
salm kenal gan ... bagus artikelnya nilai ilmu nay tinggi
Balasea cma" n makasi
BalasWih, itu sudah meninggal berapa lama masih seperti itu?
ok salam kenal juga, nice comment mas
Balaswow great information mr
Balasok, thans was joint my blog
Balaslama sekali Put,
BalasPutrie selamat datang
nice comment mr.
Balaspenemuannya agak mengerikan ya
BalasApapun budayanya aku tetep Cinta Indonesia :) tapi klo dipikir2 ngapain juga ya mayat pake di jadiin mummy, lha wong asalnya dari tanah kok gak boleh balik ke tanah hahaa.. :) *sorry lagi males mikir pake Bahasa british :)
Balasini adalah salah ritual adat penghormatan kepada leluhur yang telah meninggal dunia dengan harapan kan berbalas dengan terbukanya jalan kebaikan kepada semua turunannya
Balashehehe, pertamanya gitu sob, setelah beberapa waktu disana bisa menyesuaikan diri juga.
BalasKalau dihubungkan gak ketemu sob, karena ini budaya dan syarat dengan keyakinan, menurut Bapak Darunu Aling Katiandagho.
Balasmakasih atas tambahannya Kang, nice comment
BalasBau g y bang lama2?
Balaskenapa ga dikubur aja ya
Balaskasihan tengkoraknya
gak bau apa2 kayaknya, ada temen yg tidur di tempat tidur yg bawahnya ada my yg belum di kuburkan juga gak tahu dan gk bau apa2 kok.
Balascuma setelah diberi tahu yang punya rumah itu temen langsung pulang, karena tajut kali. giu Han
mummy? kalau saya tahu ada mummy di jamin lari 10000000000 lamgkah........
Balaskeren ya.. masih kekar mayatnya.. bisa berdiri hehe
BalasRirie, weelcome in here
Balasheran juga saya, ada yg kukunya terus tumbuh sob, tapi saya gak sempet lihat.
Balasindonesia sarat dengan banyak tradisi dan budaya, tapi banyak juga yg belum tahu, seperti pembalseman ini, saya saja baru tahu kalau bisa berdiri, seru juga ya bisa langsung melihatnya :D
BalasKunjungan perdana skalian follow nich!. ngeri bangett image-nya!
BalasGreat Post Thanks for sharing this information which is useful for all.
Balasphp web development
Toraja memiliki budaya yang unik.
Balaswaah mumifikasi nggak cuman di mesir aja.. masyarakat kita juga sudah mengenal sejak lama yah...
Balassalam sahabat
Balasbudaya tanah toraja sangat kental sekali dengan jaman sejarah ya
agre with you
Balasiya, klo Gaphe ke tator cari Mr. DA Katiandagho klo perlu saya beri no ponselnya.
Balasatau Mr. Syahid.
sangat kental dengan keyakinan nenek moyangnya mbak, keyakinan "Aluk to dollo"
Balasduh miris lihat gambarnya.
rambutnya masih utuh juga.
adat Toraja seperti itu, saya jadi tahu
selamat siang pak, wah kapan ini diupdate lagi :D