Indonesia will become a better Country in 2025

Coordinating Minister the Fields of the economy Hatta Rajasa said in the year 2025 Indonesia will be the developed countries and is the world's major force 12 through the high economic growth that is inclusive and sustainable.

"To be the developed countries there is a couple of things to do from this moment, i.e. the development of the quality of human capital, the utilization of the entire source of financing development, budget management pattern and the wealth of the country the better," he said in Medan, Monday.

It says on the public lecture at the Faculty of Economics Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU) with the title "Embodies a more Prosperous Society through the implementation of the acceleration and Expansion Masterplan economic development of Indonesia".

Then, further Hatta, which should be also done is still maintaining the sustainability of social security and poverty mitigation and changing mindsets, particularly among the young.

"To reach the vision be developed countries, the first to do is change the mindset or way of looking mainly at young," he said.

Hatta said, then humans would have to start everything by way of changing the pattern he thinks. If these are both mindset and in accordance with the views of the future, then the steps to be taken will also be in accordance with the expected.

How to view the expected is how young enterpreneurship or more have the soul of entrepreneurship. Considering that Indonesia has various natural resources (SDA).

With the SDA in abundance and are aligned with the spirit of entrepreneurship among young people, then the fore Indonesia will no longer export, but it will cultivate its own SDA.

"To manage their own SDA, then Indonesia's economic acceleration efforts can be realized. 2025 we should be able to align with the developed countries, it is the duty of students now and must immediately change the mindset for developing entrepreneurial spirit, "he said.
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3 Komentar

wow, that's the Indonesian rice field that amazing


That's great.. really really great..

hope so, Indonesia can be country like China.
or the other sucsess country in Asia


Kalo itu memang bener, turut berharap juga deh.

maaf Mr Nyach, lama nggak mampir dimari... lagi nggak sempet. ngeblog udah jarang juga >.<
