Tours Object in the good graces in Indonesia

Tour object is a place or activity that causes us to be more refreshed and happy. Indonesia has many sights are very in love people who want to entertain himself. Westerners if a visit to Indonesia that most often is basking in his skin color brownish bodies. They make the sunbathing on the beach almost all day, there are like in Tanah Lot, Bali and Nusa Dua Beach in other areas, such as Java, Lesser Sunda, Sumatra, Sulawesi or Papua. Colour brown for the Westerner is like heaven, whereas for Indonesia itself is a hell. To change the skin color white to brownish not only with sunbathing, to tour more fun could follow the normal activities carried out by the people of Indonesia, namely:
1. Plow rice fields
2. Revoke rice/nDaut (Javanese)
3. Planting
4. Quotation marks Fruit
5. Cycling
6. Herding/Angon (Javanese)
7. Harvest Fish

Activities that are encountered in agrarian like Indonesia and difficult found in European countries. This activity can also cause color our skin becomes dark. Its activity very spots for you, in addition to removing the perspiration also led to other experiences and nuances than usual.

1. Ploughing Rice Fields

Ploughing rice paddies to cultivate the land on which activities are funded in paddy field by using the help of two cows or buffaloes are traditionally, in Javanese language is called "mbrujul, Ngluku and Nggaru" done before planting of rice with the goal of keeping the land rice fields become more fertile. Activities that are holding the rope both pirates and cows while controlling the position of the pirates to remain in the right position. Soft mud feels good when we're on. Some of the land of the mud is also about the body and face, especially if our rollicking romp with bias. While plowing we can drive a Rover or water buffaloes are used.

2. Revoke Rice/nDaut
Is the activity of farmers in Indonesia. nDaut this is done before planting, seedlings of rice in the area of seedbed taken manually from the muddy ground. Farmers who take this sitting cross-legged rice seedling in soft mud with both hands off attractive small rice seeds in weak supply.

3. Planting
Planting rice seedlings is a process put into land that had been plowed and leveled up. How to put seeds by immersing with empty handed into the mud field as deep as about 2 to 5 cm. An interesting experience that we can do it directly in the area of paddy fields ready for planting rice. By doing this we can taste like what it's like a farmer.

People born in the city or people generally do not know any more bule how ploughing rice paddy or rice planting in rice fields. Don't worry, there are farmers who help let you know how to plant padi as well as how to plow rice fields with cows. A unique experience like this are indeed rare bearing in rice fields in the town of makin is gone, replaced with buildings and tall buildings. If you are interested in this tour please click here.

4. Quotation marks Fruit
And held in a place that has been providing recreation destinations in the fruit (with various kinds of fruit) which you can learn directly from the tree, and enjoy the buffet in the garden area has been neatly and nicely while enjoying the beautiful scenery of nature is A resort town, and the unfortunate Poncokusumo tour of East Java.
City of Stone and Poncokusumo famous tourist or synonymous with the term city of fruit (especially apples) as well as the city flower, this is because most of the land area of the city or region in the form of Stone wista area of paddy fields/plantations cultivated fruit, vegetables and flowers (location of the town of stone in the Highlands). So can we prove it by the time we began to enter the area of the city of stone, then we will come across to the right of the street is a large expanse of rice/extensive estates as well as many of us have found a merchant fruit and flowers. If you are interested in this tour please click here.

5. Cycling
Cycling is certainly all already familiar because these activities are already everywhere, that is, an activity or a vehicle using a bicycle. Fun cycling in Indonesia because of the hilly terrain with supported and berlembah. Cycling can also be done in pematang rice fields, meadows, cycling breaks up or down a hill. A natural track to cycling as it exists in Gresik, East Java, in the village of Kembangan, Kebomas a unique and challenging. Therefore, the original cross country also have routes with downhiil. This Area is known as the Hollywood Hill with virtual nature route.

6. Herding/Angon (Javanese)
Herding/Angon is an activity that is done the breeder in Indonesia, namely bringing pets to a place that has a suitable food for pets. Animals that served various, like duck, goat, cow or buffalo. Free-range duck herding/done in the area of the newly harvested paddy fields. While herding cattle, water buffalo or goats in pastures.

7. Harvest Fish
Harvesting the fish is an activity carried out by the fishermen in Indonesia is located on the river or Lake. This activity is done by boat or canoe with a net or nets of fish. We can take a boat ride or just took or releasing of fish caught in nets or jarring after fishermen picked it up after stocked a few moments. These activities can be found in the Brantas River reservoir area at the Karangkates dam.
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34 Komentar

wow seru, ide dasar dari the amazing race adalah kegiatan2 seperti itu


r10 : asyik aktifitas seperti ini


Majalah Masjid, ok thanks was visit here


tulisan yang semoga bermanfaat bagi pembaca dalam dan luar negeri. Good job


Ih itu serem amat orang hiiiiiiiiy O,O


There is so much more to your country than sun-bathing by the beach. Great activities and visitors can learn more about Indonesian culture. :)


I agree with you n only say Amin


@ Munir ardi
Thanks foe statement, i wanna have visitor like ur blogg


that is ceremonial only at Banyuwangi


well come sis, thanks was visit my blogg


well come sis, thanks was visit my blogg


Is the quotation marks fruit coffee? Look like coffe tree/beans to me?


That's so true, westernersare alsways delighted and sometime awed of what our eastern cultures are... I am from the Philippines, similar to Indonesia...very similar!


waaaah ini kegiatan yang asiiik neh
pengen ikutaaan aaah acara kek gini


kegiatan yang menarik, jadi pengen ikut nih ke bali...
I love BALI


Your story is very interesting.. I like to read.

This comment has been removed by the author. - Hapus

Bagus banget sam, sangat menarik,
ok link udah saya pasang, tinggal cek aja, ditunggu konfirmasinya...


agree with your opinion and all that you wrote..

i like it..


@Blogger Filipina Ini:
that is example only to the quotation marks fruit the others like : aple, banana etc


@Anonymous attayaya-ponriau :
memang asyik, dan membuat seneng makan


@Anonymous nasmoco :
ini di jawa mas, malang banyak silahkan ke sini


@Blogger Catatan si Boy:
it tis at java, mr
well come


@Blogger Catatan si Boy:
it tis at java, mr
well come


@Blogger Catatan si Boy:
it tis at java, mr
well come


Focus in one blog Sir and may you make update everyday and please cut a part o header this blog


wah, jadi teringat akan masa lalu,, seneng banget ke sawah..


yang point 5,6,7 ane agak pengalaman mister, terutama yang nomer 6: herding kambing sambil ngeblog :D

nice story, thanks for sharing :)


jadi pengin ikutan nih
o iya
menjawab ttg amazon ..kalo di gabung dg goog. adsense sebaiknya jangan mas..
kuatir nanti dimarahin mbah adsense kayak ane dulu he he


@ alkatro lcd : thanks for ur tips, nice tips


for all visitor n comenntator, I would like to comment on every post that much. Therefore it is not I publish my writing next. We are sorry
