I Love Indonesia need Technorati

The claim token 5PZBKY7ZQCNJ  in My Blog
"I Love Indonesia" that displays of all objects in Indonesia that made us proud, so that other people also love Indonesia after knowing all the object's unique, creative and beautiful in Indonesia. So what I wrote in this Blogg's easy to be known by anyone in the world do I need to register to Technorati.

I'm about a week ago registering blog "I Love Indonesia" to Technorati.com, a blog in the world's largest virtual directory. According to the material I learned in my internet site should check the claim for the blog "I Love Indonesia" that I have been registered. It turns out there's a message that the technorati did not find the claim token 5PZBKY7ZQCNJ on my post as bait such as the following screenshot:

Well, I'm thinking of finding a solution on how to claim the token is technorati. After browsing and translating mean F.a.q. technorati can eventually as well.

It turns out that easy way claim token really, not as hard as the leader of the nation was struggling to get the nation's independence in 1945. It turns out that we only have to make a post it like this, it is up to write about, which is important to include PAL claim token sent by the email address tehcnorati via PAL. If you've made a post like this dude go to PAL in technorati profile, scroll down, click check claim.

After We wrote about the claim that the token, next We must put url our posts for update  the site URL. Good try, technorati will make the site you have better SEO.
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2 Komentar

selamat mlm pak guru...ternyata suka ngeblog juga...wah...selain jago matematik....ngeblok juga boleh di adu ha2.....i love smapa


@koka ryan
selamat malam juga, hehehe ngeblog sejak 2009 tapi sik tetap dedel yo aku
