The Maestro Artistry Tradition Has Gone

In Memoriam: Bambang Supali
East Java province has an art capable of delivering positive messages to the public at large. The art in question is "LUDRUK" such that once displayed in this simple blog "I Love Indonesia" I Love Culture Ludruk. The world "LUDRUK" East Java are  grieve, because one of the maestro buffoonery, musician, composer of music "GAMELAN" has gone for good.

Bambang Supali or often accosted Cak Alex Supali (Cak is calls people East Java which means elder brother) had died at the age of 49 years due to sick liver and kidney failure. He died on Wednesday, (04/01/2012) at 11.39 pm local time at the hospital the Mojokerto (one of the cities and towns in East Java). Cak Supali was famous artist who was born at the most spirit of grassroots art tradition in East Java.

Cak Alex Supali has over thirty years of dabbling in the world "" Although in the influential "LUDRUK" art tradition of the Malay Archipelago, "LUDRUK" has been regarded as the bankruptcy field of existence. "LUDRUK" no longer able to show themselves more open. "LUDRUK" compete with the more glamorous entertainment media and populist and any time we can see through the medium of television.

Supali can be compared with others maestro ludruk more like Cak Kartolo, Cak Agus Kuprit, Ning Umi Kulsum and other centres (Ning is a term people in East Java which means sister). Different from his senior, Supali not strives through recordings or television commercial, but Supali to spread the word the "LUDRUK" with strong through stage "LUDRUK TOBONG" (a term to describe tobong, each performance LUDRUK location surrounded by a fence made of zinc and the spectators have to pay the entrance ticket to be able to enjoy it) by door to door.

Supali was not only as a player "LUDRUK", but experts make an audience laugh that particular stop. Supali was a musician and music composer who is reliable. Not less than 50 "CAMPURSARI" song (the name of the type of music which is a combination of "GAMELAN" with modern instruments) and "GAMELAN" concert for "LUDRUK" he had tried to create. One of his most monumental and is always known by the Javanese community is "SAMBEL KEMANGI" (the title "CAMPURSARI" song which means chili sauce  and Basil)

Supali has given the gift of laughter and smiles, forget the passion even though for a moment. His departure was not only left a profound sadness for the people a lover of LUDRUK, but became hole concerns in East Java for the development LUDRUK of forward . May his the spirit of struggle and militancy in the world  LUDRUK in East Java can be appreciated in more deeply, placing his name as "prominent warriors Ludruk", a role model for the younger generation milestone today and the future.

Resource picture at
autor by  : Aris Setiawan (Art Researcher East Java)

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11 Komentar

@Ratnawti Utami
iya mbak untuk fasilitas belajar bahasa, meskipun sambil berkeringat ketika menterjemahkan, maaf kalau ada yang gak pas. Terimakasih kunjungannya.


supali ini memang sudah jadi ikon terseendiri bagi warga jawa timur. Mulai bapak, ibu, nenek sudah kenal sama beliau. Ya semoga aja ludruk tidak ditelan jaman. Amiin


wah boso londho nda..... hehhee.. sip... bs buat bljr dikit2 :D


Betul sekali mas, terimakasih kunjungannya


hehehe tapi tetap cinta Indonesia, mbak makasih sudah menjenguk.


nice posting, mr. ludruk and else culture at indonesia it very famous and uniq. #belajar basa inggeris juga neh


Even I didn't know the meaning of Java Language but I like to watch Ludruk In TVRI, thanks for give me great information about the maestro of ludruk


@Rusydi Hikmawan
I'm agree with u, Thz for ur comment
