This is the profile of the people of Indonesia that proves his love for Indonesia significantly through the right move.Posting about the Profile Dahlan Iskan as making my motivation to follow his way of thinking and action for Indonesia getting solutions of problems that exist.
Dahlan Iskan (born August 17, 1951 in Magetan, East Java), is the CEO of the newspaper Jawa Pos and Jawa Pos News Network, which is based in Surabaya. He is also the Director of PLN since December 23, 2009. On October 19, 2011, related to the Reshuffle “Indonesia Bersatu” Cabinet part II, Dahlan Iskan appointed as State Minister of State owned enterprises replaces Mustafa Abubakar who was sick.
Dahlan Iskan grew up in a rural environment with conditions of the underprivileged. Parents can't remember the date how Dahlan was born. Dahlan ultimately chose August 17 with the reason for easy to remember because it coincides with the commemoration of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.
Dahlan Iskan once wrote a book called “Ganti Hati” Change of heart (note that it can be read on the personal experience of Undergoing Tranplantasi Liver) in 2008. This book contains about the experience in conducting operations Dahlan Iskan bone grafting and plating of liver in China.
Dahlan Iskan's career began as a potential reporter a small newspaper in Samarinda (East Borneo) in 1975. In 1976, he became a journalist of Tempo magazine. Since 1982, Dahlan Iskan lead the Jawa Pos newspaper until now.
Dahlan Iskan is a figure that makes Jawa Pos at that time near death with a print run of 6,000 ekslempar, within 5 years of a newspaper with a print run of 300,000 copies.
Five years later formed Jawa Pos News Network (JPNN), one of the largest newspaper chain in Indonesia, which has more than 80 newspapers, tabloids, and magazines, as well as 40 network printing in Indonesia. In 1997 he founded the Graha Pena, one of the skyscrapers in Surabaya, and then a similar building in Jakarta.
In 2002, he founded the local television station JTV in Surabaya, which is then followed by Batam TV in Batam and Riau TV in Pekanbaru.
Since the beginning of 2009, Dahlan was as a Commissioner of PT Fangbian Iskan Corporindo (FIC) that will start the construction of the Sea Cable Communication Connection (SKKL) mid this year. SKKL will connect Surabaya in Indonesia and Hong Kong. With 4,300-kilometer long fiber-optic
Since late 2009, Dahlan was appointed Director of the PLN replaces Fahmi Mochtar was criticized for his leadership during a spate of dead lamps in the area of Jakarta. Since led the PLN, Dahlan make some buzz among free byar pet se Indonesia within the next 6 months, the movement a day a million connections. Dahlan also plans to build in PLTS 100 islands in 2011. Previously, the year 2010 has been successfully building a PLN PLTS on 5 Islands in the eastern part of Indonesia, namely the island of Bunaken, Manado, Banda Derawan East Kalimantan, Sulawesi Tenggara, and the Wakatobi Citrawangan. In addition as the leader of a group of "Jawa Pos", Dahlan was also the Director of two companies of private power plants: the dawn of Light PT. Kaltim in East Borneo and PT Prima Electric Power in Surabaya.
On 17 October 2011, Dahlan Iskan was appointed as a replacement for the STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES (BUMN) Minister illness. He sob and touch when he became BUMN because he don't want to leave PLN that according to him at the height of spirit to reform PLN.
Dahlan Iskan (born August 17, 1951 in Magetan, East Java), is the CEO of the newspaper Jawa Pos and Jawa Pos News Network, which is based in Surabaya. He is also the Director of PLN since December 23, 2009. On October 19, 2011, related to the Reshuffle “Indonesia Bersatu” Cabinet part II, Dahlan Iskan appointed as State Minister of State owned enterprises replaces Mustafa Abubakar who was sick.
Dahlan Iskan grew up in a rural environment with conditions of the underprivileged. Parents can't remember the date how Dahlan was born. Dahlan ultimately chose August 17 with the reason for easy to remember because it coincides with the commemoration of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.
Dahlan Iskan once wrote a book called “Ganti Hati” Change of heart (note that it can be read on the personal experience of Undergoing Tranplantasi Liver) in 2008. This book contains about the experience in conducting operations Dahlan Iskan bone grafting and plating of liver in China.
Dahlan Iskan's career began as a potential reporter a small newspaper in Samarinda (East Borneo) in 1975. In 1976, he became a journalist of Tempo magazine. Since 1982, Dahlan Iskan lead the Jawa Pos newspaper until now.
Dahlan Iskan is a figure that makes Jawa Pos at that time near death with a print run of 6,000 ekslempar, within 5 years of a newspaper with a print run of 300,000 copies.
Five years later formed Jawa Pos News Network (JPNN), one of the largest newspaper chain in Indonesia, which has more than 80 newspapers, tabloids, and magazines, as well as 40 network printing in Indonesia. In 1997 he founded the Graha Pena, one of the skyscrapers in Surabaya, and then a similar building in Jakarta.
In 2002, he founded the local television station JTV in Surabaya, which is then followed by Batam TV in Batam and Riau TV in Pekanbaru.
Since the beginning of 2009, Dahlan was as a Commissioner of PT Fangbian Iskan Corporindo (FIC) that will start the construction of the Sea Cable Communication Connection (SKKL) mid this year. SKKL will connect Surabaya in Indonesia and Hong Kong. With 4,300-kilometer long fiber-optic
Since late 2009, Dahlan was appointed Director of the PLN replaces Fahmi Mochtar was criticized for his leadership during a spate of dead lamps in the area of Jakarta. Since led the PLN, Dahlan make some buzz among free byar pet se Indonesia within the next 6 months, the movement a day a million connections. Dahlan also plans to build in PLTS 100 islands in 2011. Previously, the year 2010 has been successfully building a PLN PLTS on 5 Islands in the eastern part of Indonesia, namely the island of Bunaken, Manado, Banda Derawan East Kalimantan, Sulawesi Tenggara, and the Wakatobi Citrawangan. In addition as the leader of a group of "Jawa Pos", Dahlan was also the Director of two companies of private power plants: the dawn of Light PT. Kaltim in East Borneo and PT Prima Electric Power in Surabaya.
On 17 October 2011, Dahlan Iskan was appointed as a replacement for the STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES (BUMN) Minister illness. He sob and touch when he became BUMN because he don't want to leave PLN that according to him at the height of spirit to reform PLN.
29 Komentar
too hard to understand this article Mr. (for me) heheh3 ...
Balasgan yang kata BERTIDAK dalam paragraf awal masih dalam bahasa indonesia loh. mohon di cek lagi, mungkin di harapkan menulis bertindak kali ya?
Balasit's so funny, his parent forget when he born? hehe. so he chose 17 agustus? nice choise
Balas@Deby thanks was visit here, boy
wahh makasih sob koreksinya
Balasseharusnya thinking and action
thanks :)
Balasabout the date of birth my parents also forgotten, as a selection taken Middle, hehehe (Juny, 15)
lahir dari orang tua ga mampu
Balasdan lupa lahir tanggalnya gitu
ga pupus semangat menjadi sukses dan maju
jadi semangat aku :)
Mr. Dhlan Iskan is my motivation and inspiration
Balasoke Ayu, thanks
nice comment
jujur, bahasa inggris gue parah banget...
Balasmaafnya gak ngerti tapi klu gue tangkap ini ttg dahlan ishak ya?
suka bgt ama bapak satu ini^^
klu menurut gue sang penerobos
informasi yg sangat baik sob, semoga terus lahir ya banyak tokoh seperti ini, agar kita bisa lebih maju :D nice
BalasI'm coming Kang.. only siting-siting 'n numpang smoking here hahaha
BalasSukses kang untuk cring-cringnya
sama bro, ini hasil belajar dikit dikit berharap bisa lancar, "learning by doing" katanya
BalasMakasih, amin harapan kita sama Bro
Balasmoga muncul tokoh2 yang seperti mr. Dahlan
weelcome bro
Balasnice visiter, i like for ur siting sitng :)
saya pengagum sosok dahlan iskan semenjak beliau di Jawa pos, sering juga baca tulisannya di harian tersebut. sosok yang patut kita hormati.
Balaspostingan di atas pake english tapi saya sulit komen pake english... hehehe. salam kenal
semoga banyak yang belajar dari beliau,..:)
BalasMr Dahlan..... very good.... , thanks
Balassalam kenal juga
Balaskita sesama pengagum mr. Dahlan iskan
ok bos, sip
Balashow lucky he is.. he can choose the date he born. heheheh..
Balasnice post
amin. i agree with Hany
Balashahahah,,,saya bukan orang inggrs sob,,mkanya saya ga ngerti....
Balasjgn lupa follbacknya di tunggu..!!!
Blogwalking lagi,,,,mkch atas follbacknya..!!!
Balasternyata setelah di translate,,ternyata tentang Profil Dahlan ishak,,wow aku sangat kagum sama beliau
lha pak dahlan itu org jawa timur ya
Balaskupikir kalimantan timur
datang membawa berita "selamat sore indonesia"
Balaswaduhh saya gak bisa bahasa englist lagi brow..
Balasane cuma kasih semangat ja yoo xexe
dahlan iskan memang lagi naik daun ya pak... :)
Balassemoga banyak lagi menteri yang seperti pak Dahlan iskan ini
Balassaya suka artikel ini karena ada fotonya pak dahlan, hehehe