One more thing that makes me love Indonesia is a dance that very often I see when I was in Tana Toraja. Beautiful dance dazzling as the faces of the women who perform the dance.......
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Ma’Gellu’ Dance performent |
At night when the moon is in half some people pounding rice in a mortar (Mortar is the name of a tool made of wood that sunken in the middle) and to the accompaniment of the sound of mortar, women come to dance, as a sign of gratitude to the Almighty over the success of the harvest. Ma’Gellu’ describes the farmers harvest the rice by using ani-ani (ani-ani is a tool for cutting rice stalks), which is generally done by women and girls in the village. The harvest activity takes days even weeks, so it is quite tiring, but do not feel tired because they do it with passion, familiar and cheerful.
The Ma’gellu dance was originally developed in the District of Pangalla’ about 45 km to the East of Rantepao city, the capital city of North Toraja Regency. Pangalla’ is the capital city of Rindingallo District where we can find the monument of the local hero, Pong Tiku, who dared to oppose the Dutch government determined to build a stone castle in the Benteng Batu village of Baruppu’ District.
Ma’Gellu dance is usually performed at the ceremony of Ma’Bua’. Ma’Bua’ is a special ritual ceremony related to the traditional Toraja house (Tongkonan), or a resident family has been performing the big ceremony of Rambu Solo’ (RAPASAAN SAPU RANDANAN). Recently Ma’gellu dance is also performed at the wedding ceremony, thanksgiving harvest, honor and reception events.
Ma’Gellu dance is performed by young women with an odd number and accompanied by a drum rhythm played by four young men. Clothing and accessories that are used specifically for dancers with jewelry made of gold and silver as : Gold Keris/ Sarapang Bulawan, Kandaure, Sa’pi’ Ulu’, Tali Tarrung, Bulu Bawan, Rara’, Mastura, Manikkata, Oran-oran, Lola’ Pali’ Gaapong, Komba Boko’ and others.
If you visit one of the 10 attractions of Indonesia, you can enjoy the dance of Ma’Gellu in the origin of Tana Toraja region, one of the region as a cause I love Indonesia.
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49 Komentar
yes I like the lay out of ads this blog but you must add one ads again maybe in ghe post
BalasHem, Toraja. Beautifull place :D
BalasWith colorful tradition
wow.. Indonesia rich in beautiful dance, also too much beautiful girls... ahay...
BalasIf add one ads again, can't open.
Balasyes that is beautifull place
Balasthanks u , nice comment
Balaswow toraja dance
Balascuantik cantik penarinya mas *malah liat yang nari* hehe
nice share mister, thanks :)
there are others dance name ma'badong bro
Balaspaling asyik wisata ke toraja kalo pas ada festival atau perayaan yang seperti ini.. jadi kerasa tradisional banget.
Balasmeskipun saya sering ke makassar tapi belom pernah sekalipun ke toraja.. sayang yah
ke celebes blom afdol klo gak ke tator
Balasnice post Mas, nice fictures...I like it
Balasit's my memory at tator , bro
Balasthas was visit me
thanks was visit here
Balaswah.. jadi pngen main ksana --"
Balastp gada sodara ntar tdur mana ee ?
klo kesana aku ada teman
Balaspenginapan juga murah mas
rata2 brapa mangnya mas pnginapan dsana /?
Balassemalam sekitar Rp. 30 ribu mas
Balasitu di kota Rantepao.
wah referensinya juga paham, expert beneran dalam wisata neh
Balasdari rumah mas munir masih jauh gak ya xixixi
nice share mister, thank you and happy sharing :)
maklumlah , aku 3 tahun di sana, mas jiox mau kesana ayo ku antar, nanti mampir rumah Pak Munir . bedanya klo ke Pak Munir itu Pare-Pare terus, klo tator belok kanan, kira2 masih 150 km.
Balasayo mas kita ke tator bareng-bareng pasti asyik
BalasRencana yang sangat bagus, klo bisa po cukup gak ?. terus nunggu Kang Jiox ada kesempatan, aku juga rindu sama teman2 yang ada di sana, sudah 10 tahun gak jumpa.
Balasi love Indonesia, suwer deh sampe terkewer-kewer :D
Balaswah aku pernah kesana mass.. cari buah plus air yg manis itu tugh yg biasa dibikin gula
Balasahhh lupa degh.. tariannya juga bagus jadi pengen kesana degh
salam kenal yaa OM vist backnya biar solid
Balasgold keris itu keris emas namanya sarapang bulawan
cantik2 penarinya.
sip, nasionalisme moga gak luntur, selamat atas kontesnya Her.
Balasok, salam kenal juga
BalasBuah markisah ya, dibuat minuman jus markisah biasanya, dipetik dari gunung2 yg tumbuh liar.
tapi bukan emas asli kok, kebanykan kuningan.
Balasmakasih atas kunjungannya
Budaya Indonesia harus dilestarikan :)
Balassangat setuju, makasih follownya . pastikan ku balas Follback
Balassiswa smapa kapan bisa melihat tarian-tarian seperti ini pak? :)
BalasBeing here Sob...just wanna say you happy blogging dan sukses selalu!
Balasi've watched about this one in my TV, hahahaha, that's nice traditional-dance
BalasI love Indonesia, the land I was born. I love the culture also the people from sabang to merauke.
Balaswhat the name Tv station ?, i like thats
BalasInsyallah we are Love Indonesia from born until dead.
Balasi think your english is so wonderful, i don't know what should i comment. i must learn english first before comment in your blog. thanks
Balasini ditoraja yach sobat???
Balaswah keren.. saya bisa melatih kemampuan b.inggris kalo baca ini tiap hari... salam kenal mas :D
Balasindonesia negara yang paling banyak budaya :D
BalasMungkin budayanya Tanah Toraja mirip2 Bali gitu ya? terutama upacara penguburannya..
Balasoh seandainya itu jadi nyata,
Balassurabaya-malang saja gaknyampe 100 km, nek 150 km cukup jauh juga ya mas;
numpang mimpi disik disini hehe
met aktifitas :)
dari Makassar hingga Toraja, semalam suntuk mas, kayak nonton Ki Anom Suroto, klo siang berangkat jam 08 pagi nyampainya sore. Mungkin sejauhh Solo Malang yaa
BalasThanks u, i hope u, stay here more long time, hhehe
Balasthanks, was here, nice comment.
Balasgretting for u, i liket ur comment
Balasyups, seratus untuk Kang Asis, makasih atas kunjungannya
Balasmudah mudahan berdampak positif
Balasmirip klo tentang penguburannya, klo soal tarian nya Bali memang ok punya. makasih Ayu sudah datang kemari.
Balashmmmm tempat yg belum kesampain
Balasmoga tahun depan dapat jalan2 kesana