Indonesian People Find Vacuum Power

Slamet Hariyanto villagers Ngroto Subdistrict Pujon Malang, East Java province, Indonesia did managed to find Vacuum power plant (PLTH-Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Hampa). Hollow power product by Slamet Hariyanto was able to work nonstop for 24 hours, as long as the electricity generated has continued to be used. The price is not expensive and environmentally friendly
Findings of men aged 51 years and primary school graduates only utilizes carbon from coconut shell and coconut fiber to fungtion serve as energy storage as a means of propulsion power.

Different from solar power, this Vakuum power proven Slamet's design proff capable of generating electrical energy of high power to 220 volt with a capacity of one thousand to 6 thousand Watts special on fuse 1. As for the fuse was able to generate 380 3 fuse with a capacity of over 13 thousand volt voltage.
sources : Kaskus

If you want to generate a power of 10,000 watts, enough to put 5 units panel. Where did the power panel is obtained? Every single panel unit requires 3 kilograms of carbon compressed. Slamet using charcoal coconut which he had bought from coconut shell smallholder. "The actual use of coal could also be. But also dangerous, "said Slamet Hariyanto of called Embing.

Of course, the panel requires initial energy to be stored. Slamet using 6-volt Battery to me early to distribute energy panels. After that, the energy that is stored, processed panel transformer machines, relay and capacitor. Capacitor power-function returns to the panel, so that it becomes an electric energy.

The greatness of this Slamet findings plants more environmentally friendly because it uses fuel oil and no noisy and leaving waste.
Slamet confesses himself only took a few components to adjust the plant creation was purchased from the market. The capacitors for Rp 850 thousand, rest leverages thrift wear.

The local newspaper mentions, Slamet find hollow power plant begins from his efforts to help neighbors who asked him to be the source of electricity for the chicken coop. Originally hired by Slamet makes windmill, but after work, turned out to be the only graduate school's base is generating Generator capacity 2000 watts.

as a person who both live in Malang, I am very proud of the inventor of environmentally friendly electricity.
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17 Komentar

Alhamdulillah, Indonesian people is very okkey


wow..orang Indonesia ternyata ada juga yang jago dalam penemuan..namun tidak terekspose oleh mass media :)


@BlogS of Hariyanto
betul sob, ini sudah dia jalani selama 4 tahun, baru di dengar pemerintah Kabupaten.


MEmang di Indonesia sebenarnya banyak potensi penemu luar biasa ya Pak cuma belum terungkap semua masih banyak yang belum terekspos


mantap emang orang indonesia, tapi sedikit koreksi ya. kayanya masihada bahasa indonesianya dah, ini ni ..of carbon in padatkan


Semoga banyak lagi yg terexpose untuk penemu2 dri negeri ini ya sob.. :)


wah, jadi ikutan bangga juga sebagai warga indonesia memiliki seseorang yang jenius seperti pak slamet ini.


@Bung Penho
ini hasil lirik kiri lirik kanan saya
akhirnya pemerintah daerah mengalokasikan 800 jt untuk produksi masal karya Mbah Embing (Slamet Hariyanto)
semoga cepat jadi tulisan tentang itu

makasih atas kunjungannya


@Bang Munir
Betul Bang, semoga blog ini bisa ikut mengekspos keunggulan orang Indonesia diantaranya juga Bang Munir (amin)


bio energy mbah embing maknyos, i lop indonesia tenan :D
thanks sharenya mister
met siam, ramadhan ini kulo jg jarang ol hihi


Orang Malang pinter banget ya :D
Jadi turut bangga :) Semoga karyanya bisa cepat di floor-kan di khalayak ramai biar kita tidak melulu jadi konsumer produk asing.


Kang Alkatro, good good hahaha


moga saja ini terus berlanjut dan didukung seterusnya oleh pemerintah
bahannya juga melimpah di negeri kita :D
met liburankangmas, sugeng siyam sedoyo kalepatan nyuwun gunging pangaksama #serasamolebaran hehhe


keren banget pak hehehehe
minal aidin walfaidzin ya pak
maafkan baru sempat mampir


banyak orNG pinter ya pak diindonesia
