I Love Indonesia because of the panoramic view of Mount Bromo

I love Indonesia because of its attractiveness and beauty of nature Bromo it. Although including the active volcano, but thousands of tourists both local and foreign tourists often come up to a volcano with an elevation of 2.392 meters above sea level. Bromo volcano is located in the village of Ngadisari, Probolinggo, East Java. BROMO itself derived from the Sanskrit "...BRAHMA ... ", the principal deity in Hindu Mythology as the God of creation. Geologically, the formation of Mount Bromo and the famous Sands Ocean starting from the existence of the Tengger Mountains, an old Volcano that formed about a million years ago and is the Largest and the highest Mountain on the island of Java with an elevation ranging from 4000 meters. history of the formation of the plateau and Tengger in summary as follows. Tengger volcano is active and mounting a small eruption which throws a number of volcanic material forms a large Valley to the Southeast and in to the village Cow Kerep. Tengger Volcano erupted then and it is making the caldera in diameter over 8 kilometers. The volcanic eruption of advanced material accumulated inside the caldera is wide and deep.

"...The Ocean Sand Mountain Bromo ... "

The caldera is now a sea of sand and volcanic activity continued into the accumulated mountain – a mountain just inside the tengger caldera. Among other things, the mountain Watangan Mountain Widodaren, Mountain Seat, Batok Volcano and mount Bromo. Sea of sand surrounded by a very steep cliff of the caldera with a slope of approximately 60-80 degrees and height ranges from 200-600 meters.There are about 7 mountains that surround the tengger Caldera, with the highest mountain is g. Penanjakan (2770 m above sea level), in Pananjankan this is a favorite location for local tourists and foreign tourists to catch mount Bromo and the Batok Volcano in the background mount Semeru, the highest mountain on the island of Java. Bromo crater, known as "the crater in the middle of the crater" until such time as it is still sending plumes of white smoke visible at all times, signifying it until now is still active. According to the tourists, is the most beautiful place of Mount Bromo to witness the sunrise. Grandeur nature is felt in this place while viewing the sun slowly rising on the eastern horizon from behind the clouds on the beach such as oceans beneath us. And while it has risen a full solar, hanging above a sea of clouds, it is then seen mount Bromo and the Batok Volcano in the middle of a sea of sand with mount Semeru, Java's highest Mountain standing foursquare behind the two.

"...The horse as a means of transportation for tourists in a sea of Sand Bromo

inevitably the tourists applauded as amazed to see natural attractions take place about 30 minutes in the morning. Do not forget to bring warm clothes and supplies other warmers. Because the air is very cold and the wind is with a plus. Travel can be followed by climb Mt. Bromo through about 250 steps up to its peak. If you do not want to accomplish, many available with 70 horse rental can cost thousands of dollars. You'll ride a horse safely because their owners will lead the horse. At the top of a puff of smoke visible Bromo Bromo crater sulfur smelling a bit. The crater is the melarung place at the height of celebration offerings Kasada Tengger Hindus Societies. Also nearby is the beauty of the ocean view sand and Pura Luhur Poten Bromo looks majestically at the foot of Mount Bromo. To go to mount Bromo, there are some lines that can be reached, but the most common is through Probolinggo. From the Terminal, followed by rising Probolinggo transit village, it costs approximately Ngadisari Department of 25 thousand dollars. Access can also be reached by private vehicles, but for crossing a sea of sand, ordinary vehicles should be left, and you can rent a car Hardtop was available.

As for a few tours in the region of Mount Bromo mainstay, namely:
Cemorolawang: i.e. an entrance used to Bromo-Semeru National Park

 Oceans and Mt. Bromo tengger desert,
Riding through a sea of sand,
Watch the sun rise,
Penanjakan mountain area, to witness the natural panorama, Mount Bromo and the Batok volcano mount Semeru
Ranu Regulo, Ranu Pani, Ranu Kembolo and the Summit of Mount Semeru is cold and always foggy (2,200 m above sea level)

Ranu Darungan, arena campsite exotic ornate beautiful natural panorama

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12 Komentar

Berbagi kata kata motivasi mas broo,
h dari mereka di atasmu. Nikmati hidup bersama mereka di sampingmu. Jangan remehkan mereka di bawahmu.
semoga bermanfaat salam kenal dan sukses selalu ya :D


i love indonesia my lovely country very beautiful view


Indonesia very beautiful natures. this is really amazing.


indonesia is very beautiful,,, i like your blog, happy blogging


posting kren mas, tks
theme juga bagus


postingnya bagus tenan eiy....
izin nyimak gan.!


Bromo is very beautiful mountain with amazing view
